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45 Reeth Road, Richmond, DL10 4EX - look out for the blue sign about 1/4 mile down Reeth Road then enter through the gateway.

Follow the driveway and just beyond the Log Cabin you will see the car park and front door to the Guest House.

by Coast to Coast Walk or Bike (arriving from Reeth)

Drop off the main route a little early to come directly to the Guesthouse - see our dedicated Coast to Coast Page!

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by Foot from Richmond Town Centre

From the market square, walk up Finkle Street and then bear left onto the cobbled street called Newbiggin. Keep walking straight on (passed the Unicorn pub on your right) and then turn right at the end onto a street called Cravengate. Now go straight on, cross the roundabout and follow Victoria Road. Ahead you will notice the TLC Butcher on the corner and the main road becomes Reeth Road. Head downhill at this point and soon you will see the sign for West End Guest House on the right past the bus stop. 

by Car

From either North or South, exit the A1 at Junction 53 (Scotch Corner) and follow the signs to Richmond (A6108). This will lead you to Pottergate, Queens Road, Victoria Road and then right at the mini roundabout onto Reeth Road. When you arrive choose any available parking spot.

From the West, when travelling along the A66, take the B6274 and head through Gilling, following signs for Richmond. Once you reach Richmond follow Pottergate, Queens Road, Victoria Road and then right at the mini roundabout onto Reeth Road. When you arrive choose any available parking spot.

N/B the A66/B6274 junction can be very busy and visibility is poor. If this is the case then proceed past this turning to the A1 junction at Scotch Corner and follow the route as if you were arriving from the North or South.

by Train

The nearest train stations are Northallerton (18 miles) and Darlington (16 miles) from which a regular train service operates to and from London, York and Leeds. A regular bus service runs from both towns to Richmond.

by Bus

A regular bus service runs from Northallerton and from Darlington train stations to Richmond. Route 29 from Darlington stops directly outside the house on Reeth Road. You can also take a bus labelled the 'Town Service - from the market square which stops quiet close to the property.

by Taxi

The taxi rank in situated in the main square and the taxi ride is less than 5 minutes to the house.